Six Books to Read or Gift This Holiday Season
By Team Six Words
Whether you are looking to unwind, learn something new or escape to another world, we’re sure you can find something to enjoy over the holidays in our latest book list.
Here are our top six picks (and some honourary mentions) from the books we read in 2018.
Corinne’s Picks
This is a raw, inspiring and actionable non-fiction book by the one and only Stephen King. He’s not going to tell you how to write a best-selling thriller, but he is going to share his personal journey as a writer and divulge the habits, moments and skills that led to his success. Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, this is a captivating read.
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
This fiction novel will have you reflecting on your life choices and the values and identities we hold on to. It explores themes of stability and structure, and chaos and chance, all within the family unit. It is a beautiful read.
You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness and being present were two big goals for me in 2018. After I completed my yoga teacher training in the spring, I spent the summer gobbling up every spiritual or quasi-spiritual book I could get my hands on. You Are Here, Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment is an insightful, accessible book on mindfulness. Through anecdotes, exercises and an exploration of Buddhist thought and practice, Thich Nhat Hanh brings mindfulness into focus, reminding readers that it’s about feeling truly alive in every moment. Who doesn’t want that?
Kajsa’s Picks
Wolf Of The Plains by Conn Iggulden
The start of a historical fiction series depicting the life of Genghis Khan, this novel begins with the life of Temujin – the boy before he became the man who conquered the world on horseback. I loved the blend of historical fact and storytelling liberty, and found this perspective on a world changing figure both accurate and fascinating.
Under A Pole Star by Stef Penney
This is the fictional story of a female arctic explorer in a time of men. I loved the main character, Flora, who refuses to adhere to the dominant social paradigm of her time and follows her passion to a harsh climate that most men abjure.
This is a piece of post apocalyptic fiction that is also an example of brilliant writing. I loved the way this book is written. Despite dealing with monsters, Cronin has a writing style that made me stop and think, just to consider the implications of what he just wrote.
Honourable Mentions (We have too many faves to choose just six!)
Options B, Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant – An important read for everyone whether you are going through adversity right now or want to support people who are.
Shoe Dog, A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight – Perfect for the business people or aspiring entrepreneurs in your life.
The Legacy: An Elder’s Vision for Our Sustainable Future by David Suzuki – A quick but essential read that explores Suzuki’s vision for a green future. Spoiler alert: despite the doom and gloom we face, he has hope.
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer – A gripping account of the true 1996 Everest tragedy, Krakauer tells, in as much detail as he has been able to gather (despite confusion due to lack of oxygen), what happened on the mountain on that terrible day.
Fall Of Giants by Ken Follett – The start of a three part series depicting the world wars and more, this series follows five families in their multi-generational journey through the 20th century.
Have a book recommendation of your own? Send us a note.